(818) 225-0046
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Sedation Dentistry

(818) 225-0046
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Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, closed Saturday and Sunday, but we answer phone calls 24/7.

Breeze Through Your Next Dental Visit

We can help you with Sedation Dentistry in Woodland Hills

Fear of the dental chair should never keep you from having any of the treatments you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Sedation dentistry is a magnificent advancement for those who can’t bear the thought of having to consciously experience dental procedures, as well as for those who simply want to relax while the work gets done during their visit. If you would like to know more about a sedation dentistry or book a consultation, please call us today at (818) 225-0046 or request an appointment online.
Fear of the dental chair should never keep you from having any of the treatments you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Sedation dentistry is a magnificent advancement for those who can’t bear the thought of having to consciously experience dental procedures, as well as for those who simply want to relax while the work gets done during their visit. If you would like to know more about a sedation dentistry or book a consultation, please call us today at (818) 225-0046 or request an appointment online.

How is using a sedation dentist beneficial?

We know that a lot of people get anxious when visiting the dentist, but sedation dentistry in Woodland Hills can help.

Sedation DentistrySedation Dentistry

Here are some treatments you can use a sedation dentist for…

Tooth ImplantsPlay Video
Tooth Implants
Tooth ExtractionPlay Video
Tooth Extraction
Root CanalsPlay Video
Root Canals
Tooth Separator

What to Expect...

Here is what you can expect when using sedation dentistry in Woodland Hills

The primary type of sedation we perform at our Woodland Hills office is oral sedation. You take 2 pills one hour before your treatment begins. These pills help you relax and allow you to rest comfortably during the treatment. Following the procedure, you’ll continue to rest until the medication has worn off. It’s highly recommended following a sedation dentistry procedure that you are accompanied by a driver that can take you home safely. You might also be curious if oral sedation is safe. Yes, sedation dentistry is safe. However, there are a few criteria to be met to ensure sedation dentistry is right for you. For example, you must not have sleep apnea; you must not have any significant cardiovascular condition; you must not react adversely to sedatives; or be taking any medications that could cause a contraindicated reaction with a sedative. If you have one or more of these issues, you must be cleared by a medical doctor before candidacy for sedation dentistry can be approved. Please consult one of our sedation dentists, if this is something you are considering. Call us today at (818) 225-0046 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.
The primary type of sedation we perform at our Woodland Hills office is oral sedation. You take 2 pills one hour before your treatment begins. These pills help you relax and allow you to rest comfortably during the treatment. Following the procedure, you’ll continue to rest until the medication has worn off. It’s highly recommended following a sedation dentistry procedure that you are accompanied by a driver that can take you home safely. You might also be curious if oral sedation is safe. Yes, sedation dentistry is safe. However, there are a few criteria to be met to ensure sedation dentistry is right for you. For example, you must not have sleep apnea; you must not have any significant cardiovascular condition; you must not react adversely to sedatives; or be taking any medications that could cause a contraindicated reaction with a sedative. If you have one or more of these issues, you must be cleared by a medical doctor before candidacy for sedation dentistry can be approved. Please consult one of our sedation dentists, if this is something you are considering. Call us today at (818) 225-0046 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.

Tooth Separator

Sedation Dentistry
Quality Service and Gentle Care
Quality Service and Gentle Care

We will take care of any dental situation you might have in an easy and timely manner

Our staff is here to help.  We can offer you creature comforts, topical numbing gel, music, movies... really anything to make your time with us not just tolerable, but enjoyable.  We are sensitive to those that suffer from dental anxiety, so please allow us to assist you with your complete dental health.

We are available to answer your questions 24/7. Call us now.

Call Us (818) 225-0046
"We Can Even Help Your Fears!"

"We Can Even Help Your Fears!"

A Sedation Dentist in Woodland Hills may be the solution to all of your dental fears

"I take care of every patient that arrives at our office. I see them when they come in, as well as when they leave. Each and every time, I see fears replaced by high levels of satisfaction, even when the patient was very reluctant to be in our office. Our dentists help ease individual fears by using modern sedation dentistry. It’s an easy and painless way to ensure you can relax and be at ease, so we can improve your oral health with little or no discomfort."

"I take care of every patient that arrives at our office. I see them when they come in, as well as when they leave. Each and every time, I see fears replaced by high levels of satisfaction, even when the patient was very reluctant to be in our office. Our dentists help ease individual fears by using modern sedation dentistry. It’s an easy and painless way to ensure you can relax and be at ease, so we can improve your oral health with little or no discomfort."

Kim B.
Treatment Coordinator
Complete Health Dentistry
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Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, closed Saturday and Sunday, but we answer calls 24/7.
