Great Choice!
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Do You Have TMJ?
We can help you with Treating TMJ / Jaw Pain in Woodland Hills, no problem
Here are some common symptoms of TMJ
Treating TMJ / Jaw Pain in Woodland Hills is simple. Here are some things you should look for which indicate you may need treatment

"Botox...My New Best Friend"
"I was at the point where I was sick to my stomach every couple of weeks. I would call my boss and say. ‘I’m getting sick, I hope to come in later.’ I didn’t realize it was all related to TMJ. So Dr. Beard explained that he would inject me with Botox in 3 places on each side. And it was so fast, didn’t hurt at all. Right away I felt an overall release of tension. I felt very good. It was absolutely, hands down, the best thing that ever happened to me. It works instantaneously from the inside out. I highly recommend it."
"I was at the point where I was sick to my stomach every couple of weeks. I would call my boss and say. ‘I’m getting sick, I hope to come in later.’ I didn’t realize it was all related to TMJ. So Dr. Beard explained that he would inject me with Botox in 3 places on each side. And it was so fast, didn’t hurt at all. Right away I felt an overall release of tension. I felt very good. It was absolutely, hands down, the best thing that ever happened to me. It works instantaneously from the inside out. I highly recommend it."
Get to know a little more about us and the services we offer...
Let Us Help Your Pain Go Away!
Symptoms of TMJ can be extremely painful. Treating TMJ / Jaw Pain in Woodland Hills can fix it!
[kudos_review heading='Our Patients Love Us!' subheading="...and the feeling is mutual!"]

Treating TMJ / Jaw Pain in Woodland Hills is nothing to worry about, especially in our peaceful and relaxing environment
Don’t let the fear of pain or being uncomfortable stop you from coming into our dental office. We provide you with a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere, along with the very best care for your teeth. If you have questions about the treatments for TMJ, or would like to schedule an appointment at our Woodland Hills office, please call us or request your appointment online.
We are available to answer your questions 24/7. Call us now.
(818) 225-0046

"I Don’t Want You to Experience Any More Pain"
TMJ can be a nuisance to your everyday life. Treating TMJ / Jaw Pain in Woodland Hills is easy, so come see us!
"I know that TMJ causes pain, and it can be excruciating. I don’t want you to experience any more pain, especially since my team and I can fix this dental problem. I am very experienced in treating TMJ, and want to help you feel better. The treatments we have can help alleviate your pain immediately. Don’t let the pain get in the way of your well-being. Let us help your jaw feel normal again."
"I know that TMJ causes pain, and it can be excruciating. I don’t want you to experience any more pain, especially since my team and I can fix this dental problem. I am very experienced in treating TMJ, and want to help you feel better. The treatments we have can help alleviate your pain immediately. Don’t let the pain get in the way of your well-being. Let us help your jaw feel normal again."