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The Process of Tooth Removal
Tooth Extraction in Woodland Hills can be a stress-free procedure
Thinking about a Tooth Extraction?
In Woodland Hills, we can provide you with the best quality tooth extraction

"Leave It to the Professionals"
"When I was younger, my family just simply tied a bit of dental floss around a loose tooth and yanked on the other end until it popped out. As an adult, I found Dr. Manny and it was such a relief to experience such professional and comfortable dental care. I’ve realized pulling a tooth at home with floss is probably not the best solution, so when I had a tooth abscess and needed it removed, I knew who to run to. He made it easy and painless!"
"When I was younger, my family just simply tied a bit of dental floss around a loose tooth and yanked on the other end until it popped out. As an adult, I found Dr. Manny and it was such a relief to experience such professional and comfortable dental care. I’ve realized pulling a tooth at home with floss is probably not the best solution, so when I had a tooth abscess and needed it removed, I knew who to run to. He made it easy and painless!"
Learn about other services related to tooth extraction and restoration
Is Tooth Removal the Right Option for You?
We will do whatever it takes to save your teeth in Woodland Hills from a tooth extraction if possible
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We will make sure your tooth extraction is handled as smoothly and pain free as possible
Don’t worry, our team of doctors will go the extra mile to avoid tooth removal and do absolutely everything we can to save your tooth. Let’s have a look and decide what the best treatment plan is. Call us at (818) 225-0046 or request an appointment online.
We are available to answer your questions 24/7. Call us now.
(818) 225-0046

"Excellent Quality Dental Care Is What We Aim For…"
Your tooth extraction in Woodland Hills will be a laid back, hassle-free experience
"It is my job to take care of each patient that comes into our office with the best dental services possible. I know tooth pain, swollen gums, tooth decay, infections, and abscesses can be discouraging to patients and very painful. I will do my absolute best to make sure I can get you out of pain as soon as possible. A tooth removal procedure is very simple. I look forward to helping you feel better, while our dentist restores your dental health."
"It is my job to take care of each patient that comes into our office with the best dental services possible. I know tooth pain, swollen gums, tooth decay, infections, and abscesses can be discouraging to patients and very painful. I will do my absolute best to make sure I can get you out of pain as soon as possible. A tooth removal procedure is very simple. I look forward to helping you feel better, while our dentist restores your dental health."
Complete Health Dentistry